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Subject: Re: Chrysler Town and Country Date: Sat May 18 2024 06:06 pm
From: Kurt Weiske To: Ken Nischan

-=> Ken Nischan wrote to Kurt Weiske <=-

 > I just bought a BMW i3, since it's got a little gas engine to charge the
 > battery it needs an oil change every year, plugs every two years. Repair
 > prices, though - I thought I might have to replace the socket where the
 > electric plug goes in and it's a $3500 job!

 KN> Those are pretty cool.  Yea, that's pretty salty.  Makes one glad for
 KN> warranties, hehe.  Dealer pricing can be pretty nuts.

 Most of the price for the replacement plug is the part. Apparently, you
 can ask really nice and they'll replace it for free, apparently they
 know it's an issue but it's not worth a service bulletin. In my case,
 it charges fine, it's just missing a nylon tip to one of the plugs in
 the socket.

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