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Subject: WinPoint development Date: Mon Feb 14 2022 09:01 am
From: Martin Foster To: August Abolins

Hello August!

*** Sunday 13.02.22 at 19:45:00, August Abolins wrote to Martin Foster:

 MF>> As Tim has now pulled the old 359.1 version from his site and replaced
 MF>> it with the current public beta release, most of the WinPoint "PROS and
 MF>> CONS" are now obsolete, as is my "Basic Installation Guide". I've pulled
 MF>> the guide from my site..

 AA> So.. should 359.1 be considered "decomissioned"? ..and never to
 AA> be used?

Yes, that's absolutely correct.

 AA> However, I am full supporter of avoiding programs that have operational
 AA> issues and limitations that interfere with a pleasant consistent
 AA> experience.

Fair comment.

 MF>> ..but whether I write a new one, remains to be seen.

 AA> Isn't the install and the initial step-by-step process about the same?

As far as the install goes, it's pretty much the same as it was in 359.1 but
some of the wording has changed slightly. However, the initial step-by-step
process has changed *dramatically*.

 MF>> I obviously leave it up to your good judgement as to what you do with
 MF>> your "PROS and CONS" chart on your site.

 AA> Maybe I can simply create a link to the CONS for 359.1 to point
 AA> to a subpage or something.

Why ??

 AA> Meanwhile, the main table could be populated with pending CONS for the
 AA> latest version?

Out of the 17 "CONS", there's now only 4 which are still valid and I can think
of at least one addition to the "PROS" :-)

--- WinPoint 398.2
 * Origin: WinPoint Test Rig - UK - (2:280/464.27)

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