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Subject: WinPoint development Date: Sun Feb 13 2022 02:45 pm
From: August Abolins To: Martin Foster

Hello Martin Foster!

** On Friday 11.02.22 - 14:35, Martin Foster wrote to August Abolins:

 MF> As Tim has now pulled the old 359.1 version from his site
 MF> and replaced it with the current public beta release, most
 MF> of the WinPoint "PROS and CONS" are now obsolete, as is my
 MF> "Basic Installation Guide". I've pulled the guide from my
 MF> site..

So.. should 359.1 be considered "decomissioned"? ..and never to  
be used?  If not, maybe the userguide can be archived with the  
program since they really go well together.

However, I am full supporter of avoiding programs that have  
operational issues and limitations that interfere with a  
pleasant consistent experience.

 MF> ..but whether I write a new one, remains to be seen.

Isn't the install and the initial step-by-step process about  
the same?

 MF> I obviously leave it up to your good judgement as to what
 MF> you do with your "PROS and CONS" chart on your site.

Maybe I can simply create a link to the CONS for 359.1 to point  
to a subpage or something.  Meanwhile, the main table could be  
populated with pending CONS for the latest version?

--- OpenXP 5.0.51
 * Origin: The ONLY point that matters! --> . <-- (2:221/1.58)

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