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Subject: https url with backslashes vs forward slashes Date: Tue Feb 08 2022 10:58 am
From: Martin Foster To: August Abolins

Hello August!

*** Monday 07.02.22 at 4:35:06, August Abolins wrote to Martin Foster:

 AA> When I enter a link that uses backslashes, the browser automatically
 AA> flips them to forward slashes.

So does mine and that's probably why I hadn't noticed my mistake.

 AA> So, maybe people are not realizing the difference.

Who knows :-)

 AA> Which reminds me, maybe OpenXP can be made adaptable the same way!  ;)

You know who to ask and where to ask :-)))

--- WinPoint 398.2
 * Origin: WinPoint Test Rig - UK - (2:280/464.27)

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In Reply To: https url with backslashes vs forward slashes (August Abolins)