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Subject: https url with backslashes vs forward slashes Date: Mon Feb 07 2022 06:35 am
From: August Abolins To: Martin Foster

On 1/25/2022 6:24 AM, between "Martin Foster - August Abolins":

>  MF>> My folder tree seems to have become a bit of a mess. To see what I 
>  MF>> have a look here: https:\\\winpoint\temp\folder_tree.png

> Ahbut, it *does* work for .png's but I cannot believe that I actually
> wrote the URL the way I did. Must have had a brain-fart, my bad, sorry :(

So.. did you actually type out that link manually? I didn't realize that
perhaps dyslexia included the special characters.  :D

When I enter a link that uses backslashes, the browser automatically flips them 
to forward slashes.  So, maybe people are not realizing the difference.

Which reminds me, maybe OpenXP can be made adaptable the same way!  ;)

 * Origin: nntp:// (2:221/6.0)

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In Reply To: [bug?] if the last item in the string is a ".png" (Martin Foster)
Replies: https url with backslashes vs forward slashes (Martin Foster)