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Subject: [bug?] if the last item in the string is a ".png" Date: Tue Jan 25 2022 11:24 am
From: Martin Foster To: August Abolins

Hello August!

*** Monday 24.01.22 at 07:42, August Abolins wrote to All:

 AA> ** On Monday 24.01.22 - 11:16, Martin Foster wrote to Tim Schattkowsky:
 AA> ** Originally in WINPOINT
 AA> ** Crosspointed XPOINT, POINTS

 MF>> Hello Tim!

 MF>> My folder tree seems to have become a bit of a mess. To see what I mean,
 MF>> have a look here: https:\\\winpoint\temp\folder_tree.png

 AA> Interesting that OpenXP's "TAB" to find and highlight the https
 AA> link does not work if the last item in the string is a ".png"

Ahbut, it *does* work for .png's but I cannot believe that I actually  
wrote the URL the way I did. Must have had a brain-fart, my bad, sorry :(

--- OpenXP 5.0.51
 * Origin: Beware, dummy at work! (2:310/31.3)

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In Reply To: [bug?] if the last item in the string is a ".png" (August Abolins)
Replies: https url with backslashes vs forward slashes (August Abolins)