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Subject: Re: Rules Date: Tue Jan 25 2022 09:09 am
From: Wilfred van Velzen To: Marc Lewis

Hi Marc,

On 2022-01-24 18:03:23, you wrote to August Abolins:

 AA>> I am onboard with .51 too.  Looking forward to try the on-the- fly
 AA>> Origin lines and ROT13.

 ML> I want to remind you that rotated or encrypted (ROT13) messages are
 ML> forbidden.  See the echo rules.

3.  Encrypted, encoded or rotated messages are forbidden.

This is a rediculusly formulated sentence! That can be interpreted in all kind
of ways!

"encoded" What do you mean? Every message posted here is encoded in ASCII or
So every message ever posted in this area is in voilation of the rules...

"rotated message" What is that? And messages with partially rotated text are
ok? And why would you forbid it anyway? It makes no sence whatsoever...

Bye, Wilfred.
--- FMail-lnx64
 * Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464)

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In Reply To: OpenXP 5.0.51 released (Marc Lewis)
Replies: Re: Rules (Marc Lewis)