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Subject: OpenXP 5.0.51 released Date: Mon Jan 24 2022 06:03 pm
From: Marc Lewis To: August Abolins

Hello August.

<On 28Dec2021 20:30 August Abolins (2:221/1.58) wrote a message to Martin
Foster regarding OpenXP 5.0.51 released >

 MF> OpenXP 5.0.51 has been released and is available for download from the
 MF> following URLs .....

 AA> I am onboard with .51 too.  Looking forward to try the on-the- fly
 AA> Origin lines and ROT13.

I want to remind you that rotated or encrypted (ROT13) messages are forbidden.  
See the echo rules.

Best regards,

--- timEd/2 1.10.y2k+
 * Origin: Sursum Corda! BBS-Huntsville, (1:396/45)

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In Reply To: OpenXP 5.0.51 released (August Abolins)
Replies: Re: Rules (Wilfred van Velzen)