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Subject: Re: OXP: mixed date format at listing Date: Mon Jan 24 2022 01:33 pm
From: Fernando Toledo To: Martin Foster

El 21/1/22 a las 07:21, Martin Foster escribi├│:
> Hello Fernando!

> *** Thursday 20.01.22 at 12:29, Fernando Toledo wrote to Fidonet.POINTS:

>   FT> I have mixed format on listing messages at date column,

> Yeah, so have I.

>   FT> it very weird and get confused for me

> Considering how long I've been using OpenXP and its predecessor, even I
> tend to get confused occasionally. It's something I've learnt to live with
> over the years but never done anything about it. For now, let's say it's
> just a quirk.

>   FT> DD.MM (day and month) and MM/YY (month and year)

>   FT>   360 07.02 Flavio Bessa     Fernando Toledo  -Listado de BBS Latinos
>   FT>   372 13.02 Rodrigo Pelaez  Fernando Toledo  Re: Listado de BBS Lat!
>   FT>   385 01/21 Flavio Bessa    Fernando Toledo  Daily Nodelist proceus
>   FT>   532 04.02 Flavio Bessa    Fernando Toledo  Binkd para DOS
>   FT>   585 04.02 Fernando Toledo Fernando Toledo  Re: Binkd para DOS
>   FT>   282 04.02 Fernando Toledo Flavio Bessa     Re: Binkd para DOS
>   FT>   228 04.02 Flavio Bessa    THIERRY OLMEDO   Binkd para DOS
>   FT> 1243 01/21 Fernando Toledo Flavio Bessa        Re: Husky
>   FT> 1133 01/21 Angel Ripoll    Fernando Toledo     -file echos
>   FT> 1221 01/21 Angel Ripoll    Fernando Toledo     -Husky
>   FT>   883 01/21 Flavio Bessa    Fernando Toledo     -Husky
>   FT> 1594 01/21 Fernando Toledo Angel Ripoll        Re: Husky
>   FT> 3188 01/21 Fernando Toledo  Angel Ripoll        Re: file echos
>   FT> 1657 01/21 Fernando Toledo Angel Ripoll        Re: Husky
>   FT>   760 01/21 Angel Ripoll    Fernando Toledo     -Husky

>   FT> Please!!! can you add support for day, month and year??? (I dont care 
>   FT> will yyyymmdd or ddmmyyyy but almost complete date and optional time
>   FT> will be useful)

> *I* can't do anything about it, so I've passed your message on to the
> developer. As soon as he replies back, I'll let you know what he has to
> say.

hi Martin Thanks you!
I think that this kind of setting should be customized from the user.
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