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Subject: Re: Revitalizing a car that has sat Date: Thu May 16 2024 07:43 am
From: Kurt Weiske To: Ken Nischan

-=> Ken Nischan wrote to All <=-

 KN> It's kept in a garage thankfully.  Once I take possession, what do you
 KN> think would be a good plan of action for getting it back on the road?
 KN> I figure drain and replace fuel tank, replace fuel lines, fuel pump, tires,
 KN> disassemble and inspect all the brakes (probably four wheel
 KN> drum...  sigh), new fluids/filters.
 KN>  What else might I be forgetting?

Sounds like you've got all the bases covered - check the distributor and points,
make sure you're getting spark?

... Did you find what you were looking for?
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