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Subject: adhoc origin line feature Date: Sun Jan 23 2022 08:19 pm
From: August Abolins To: Martin Foster

Hello Martin!

** On Wednesday 19.01.22 - 13:59, you wrote to me:

 AA>> But then why not build it so that it extracts predefined text
 AA>> (that is known to fit) in that space?

 MF> Yes, why not?
 MF> Perhaps you could ask the developer about that.

I thought YOU were the liason-man for OpenXP things.

 MF> A better solution would have been to implement something
 MF> along the lines of the Glossary feature, whereby all the
 MF> user needs to do is to press <Alt+G> from within the
 MF> editor and then select an item from the pre-defined list
 MF> that pops up. In this case, it would be a list of origin
 MF> lines pre-defined by the user in an ascii text file, e.g.
 MF> "origins.txt" and the key-press could be <Alt+O>.

Excellent.  Did you include that as a tenny tiny detail with  
your main suggestion?  ;)

Personally, I haven't used Alt-G (Glossary) much at all. It  
*does* seem like a handy way to dump pre-defined strings in a  
message though.

 MF> ..somebody(me) thought it would be nice if they could also
 MF> be defined at the single message level..

OK! Too bad you didn't describe how it would "function" (which  
key strokes to trigger it, Alt-G as above, or sourcing from a  
oring-lines.txt file, etc)

 MF> ..and I duly put in a feature request for a *simple*,
 MF> *basic* means of doing so. He duly obliged by implementing
 MF> exactly what I'd asked for, no more, no less.

Hopefully this is then just the 1st baby-step to make it more  
functional - especially to make lock in and stay put once the  
text is entered and not overwritten by the global setting if  
the message needs to be re-edited.

 MF> -+- OpenXP 5.0.51
 MF>  + Origin: Watch   This   Space (2:310/31.3)

I just might from now on!  <G>


--- OpenXP 5.0.51
 * Origin: System Up Time: 6 D, 10 H, 18 M (2:221/1.58)

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