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Subject: OXP: mixed date format at listing Date: Sun Jan 23 2022 08:23 am
From: Martin Foster To: August Abolins

Hello August!

*** Saturday 22.01.22 at 13:30:00, August Abolins wrote to Martin Foster:

 AA>>> ..Personally, I like the mixed use of DD.MM and MM/YY It clearly helps
 AA>>> to eyeball the messages that are clearly older than 12 months.

 MF>> Well yes, there is that about it but it still tends to confuse me
 MF>> occasionally, must be my age 8-/

 AA> If there were a change in the DD.MM vs MM/YY, I would rather have the
 AA> option to retain that presentation as a config setting instead of replacing
 AA> it with something to "fix" it.

Yes, I tend to agree.

--- WinPoint 394.0
 * Origin: WinPoint Test Rig - UK - (2:280/464.27)

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In Reply To: OXP: mixed date format at listing (August Abolins)