Section One BBS

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Subject: OXP: mixed date format at listing Date: Fri Jan 21 2022 09:25 am
From: August Abolins To: Martin Foster

Hello Martin Foster!

** On Friday 21.01.22 - 13:17, Martin Foster wrote to Fernando Toledo:

 MF> Here's his reply .....

 MF> ---------- 8< ----------
 MF> The format DD.MM is used if the message was creatd in the last 12 months.
 MF> Otherwise the format MM/YY is used.

 MF> The weird sorting in the list results of the fact that messages
 MF> aren't sorted by creation date, but by receive date.

 MF> So the message created on 2021-02-13 "Rodrigo Pelaez Fernando Toledo Re:
 MF> Listado de BBS Lat!" was received before the message created in Jan.2021
 MF> "Flavio Bessa Fernando Toledo  Daily Nodelist proceus·".

 MF> But anyway, i'll have a look at it to see what could be done.
 MF> ---------- 8< ----------

I suspected that's what was happening all along. Personally, I  
like the mixed use of DD.MM and MM/YY   It clearly helps to  
eyeball the messages that are clearly older than 12 months.


--- OpenXP 5.0.51
 * Origin: The ONLY point that matters! --> . <-- (2:221/1.58)

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