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Subject: adhoc origin line feature Date: Tue Jan 18 2022 07:07 pm
From: August Abolins To: Wilfred van Velzen

Hello Wilfred van Velzen!

** On Tuesday 18.01.22 - 16:03, Wilfred van Velzen wrote to August Abolins:

 AA>> It arrived as only "UTF-8" here.

 WvV> That's strange! That would mean something is messing with
 WvV> it on route...? (I checked the backup of my outbound .pkt
 WvV> files: It was still there!)

My bad. Perhaps I should have checked the .PKT file. When it  
gets tossed into OpenXP, the headers adjust to its own display  

 AA>> If you are meaning that you need "UTF-8 4", then what is so hard to
 AA>> change "2" to "4" in your Fmail?

 WvV> That's not a tossers job! Tossers are supposed not to change in-transit
 WvV> mail! It's my Golded that needs to be configured (if possible), to
 WvV> create the correct kludge.

Ok.  I should have said "editor" perhaps.
--- OpenXP 5.0.51
 * Origin: The ONLY point that matters! --> . <-- (2:221/1.58)

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