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Subject: adhoc origin line feature Date: Tue Jan 18 2022 08:15 am
From: August Abolins To: Wilfred van Velzen

Hello Wilfred!

** On Tuesday 18.01.22 - 13:58, you wrote to me:

 AA>> @PID: OpenXP/5.0.51 (Win32)
 WvV>        ^^^^^^^

 AA>>  * Origin: CommeCi, CommeÇa, QueSeraSera, OoblaDeeOoblaDaa.
 WvV>                          ^^

 WvV> There's also the above problem...

 WvV> (And yes I know my "@CHRS: UTF-8 2" kludge isn't correct ;-))

The "Ça" char made it back intact here. But your observation is  
useful.  Perhaps the @CHRS detection in OpenXP should extend to  
looking at the characters in the Origin line as well.  I  
believe the FTSC spec defined the "message body" to include the  
text in the Origin line.

This reply will have no special chars in the Origin line.  
Prehaps the @CHARS line will be different now.
--- OpenXP 5.0.51
 * Origin: The ONLY point that matters! --> . <-- (2:221/1.58)

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