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Subject: Test Date: Tue Jan 18 2022 10:41 am
From: Martin Foster To: August Abolins

Hello August!

*** Monday 17.01.22 at 10:19, August Abolins wrote to Martin Foster:

 DB>>> @TID: InterEcho 1.21 00000000
 DB>>> @MSGID: 1:106/201 180ebc1e
 DB>>> Testing, have not seen any traffic for 5 days....

 AA> [...]

 MF>> No traffic for 5 days is not unusual for this echo.

 AA> Maybe there's nothing new or extraordinarly bad to report in
 AA> the realm of pointing.   :D

There's plenty of new stuff to report in the realm of pointing but it's  
being reported elsewhere.

--- OpenXP 5.0.51
 * Origin: Bitz-Box - Bradford - UK (2:310/31.3)

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In Reply To: Test (August Abolins)
Replies: plenty of new stuff (August Abolins)