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Subject: Fwd: WInPoint Version 389 Available Date: Tue Jan 11 2022 11:18 am
From: Martin Foster To: All

Hello All!

              Begin forwarded message
    Area: WINPOINT
    From: Tim Schattkowsky(2:240/1120.29)
      To: Alle
 Subject: WInPoint Version 389 Available
    Date: 10.01.22 21:45:46

║ █   █ ████                          ║ 
║ █   █ █   █     WinPoint            ║
║ █   █ ████      Version 389         ║
║ █ █ █ █                             ║
║  █ █  █         Released 2022-01-10 ║
║ Complete Point Software for Windows ║
║ Most notable changes since V.387    ║
║ ∙NEW Editor: New Uplink selection   ║
║ ∙NEW Editor: Redo is back again     ║
║ ∙NEW Editor: Layout improvements    ║
║ ∙NEW Text groups created on install ║
║ ∙CHG Forward uses orig text group   ║
║ ∙FIX Fido Over IP config problems   ║
║ ∙FIX Editor: some editor bug fixes  ║
║ ∙FIX Some minor bug fixes           ║

Hello All,

an updated version including important bug fixes is available at


PS: Yes, I have given up numbering beta versions. This was so 90s ;)
-+- WinPoint 389.0
 @ Origin: Original WinPoint Origin! (2:240/1120.29)

               End forwarded message

Can be used to either perform a new installation or to update an existing
Needless to say, if you're updating an existing installation, your existing
installation should be backed up first.

- Backup(export) the following registry key .....
- Backup everything in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\WinPoint

--- WinPoint 389.0
 * Origin: WinPoint Test Rig - UK - (2:310/31.7)

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