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Subject: OpenXP 5.0.51 released Date: Mon Jan 03 2022 08:12 am
From: Martin Foster To: August Abolins

Hello August!

*** Saturday 01.01.22 at 08:46, August Abolins wrote to Martin Foster:

 AA>>> The program needs an overall F1 context search.  ;)

 MF>> Yes, that would be nice but I can't implement such a
 MF>> feature. Maybe you could cajole Gunter into having a look
 MF>> at it ;))

 AA> You're the HELP-context editor!  You bear the most leverage. ;)

Really :-)

Although I said it would be nice to have such a feature, I'm not convinced
that it's actually needed. In addition, I feel that it would be an  
absolute nightmare to implement.

 AA>>> ..or my solution needs a major revisit
 AA>>> to include it.

 MF>> Please feel free :-)

 AA> When I reached the parts were there are additional helps WITHIN
 AA> the helps, I realized that the www online solution would need
 AA> "links" within the those help panels (such as in the Block
 AA> Functions help section).  Adding links manually and making sure
 AA> the resultant panel is complete ('cuz some of those 3rd-level/
 AA> 4th-level parts are more than one screenful!) a lot more
 AA> time-consuming than I thought.

I know the feeling well because when I first offered to maintain the  
English resources, I thought it would be a doddle but here we are some 20
years later and they're still nothing like finished. Even though they're   plain
ascii text files, I inherited a mess and they're a nightmare to work   on.


--- OpenXP 5.0.51
 * Origin: OpenXP-Team (2:310/31.3)

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In Reply To: OpenXP 5.0.51 released (August Abolins)