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Subject: OpenXP 5.0.51 released Date: Sat Jan 01 2022 08:46 am
From: August Abolins To: Martin Foster

Hello Martin Foster!

** On Saturday 01.01.22 - 07:31, Martin Foster wrote to August Abolins:

 AA>> The program needs an overall F1 context search.  ;)

 MF> Yes, that would be nice but I can't implement such a
 MF> feature. Maybe you could cajole Gunter into having a look
 MF> at it ;))

You're the HELP-context editor!  You bear the most leverage. ;)

 AA>> ..or my solution needs a major revisit
 AA>> to include it.

 MF> Please feel free :-)

When I reached the parts were there are additional helps WITHIN  
the helps, I realized that the www online solution would need  
"links" within the those help panels (such as in the Block  
Functions help section).  Adding links manually and making sure  
the resultant panel is complete ('cuz some of those 3rd-level/ 
4th-level parts are more than one screenful!) a lot more  
time-consuming than I thought.

--- OpenXP 5.0.51
 * Origin: The ONLY point that matters! --> . <-- (2:221/1.58)

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