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Subject: OpenXP 5.0.51 released Date: Thu Dec 30 2021 09:19 am
From: Martin Foster To: Alan Ianson

Hello Alan!

*** Wednesday 29.12.21 at 19:04, Alan Ianson wrote to All:

 >> OPENXP is a file area for OpenXP files, there is also an area called
 >> WINPOINT where WinPoint files are hatched. These new versions were just
 >> hatched and hour ago and should be making the rounds now.. :)

 AI> I messed up the first hatch on the 27th. I have corrected my error and
 AI> rehatched just a short time ago. These files should be making the rounds
 AI> now.

Thanks for the heads-up and thanks for your efforts.


--- OpenXP 5.0.51
 * Origin: OpenXP-Team (2:310/31.3)

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