Section One BBS

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Subject: Re: Z1C Election Date: Wed May 30 2018 05:37 pm
From: Nick Andre To: Alan Ianson

On 30 May 18  14:07:44, Alan Ianson said the following to Maurice Kinal:

AI>   Re: Z1C Election
AI>   By: Maurice Kinal to Ian McLaughlin on Wed May 30 2018 08:51 pm

AI>  IM>> How many of us are there (active) in Net153?

AI>  MK> By my count there are four of us.

AI> Four active posters to the net, and the usual assortment of lurkers.. :)

Many lurkers in Net 229 and 249... probably most of zone 1. 8-)


--- Renegade vY2Ka2
 * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)

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