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Subject: WinPoint development Date: Sat Dec 04 2021 11:08 am
From: Martin Foster To: Fernando Toledo

Hello Fernando!

*** Friday 03.12.21 at 21:22:07, Fernando Toledo wrote to Martin Foster:

 >> For the benefit of those who don't already know, WinPoint is now back in
 >> development. Here's a list of changes so far .....

 >> --------------------------------
 >> Most notable changes since 359.1
 >> --------------------------------

 >> 369.0 (29.10.2021)
 >> ------------------

 FT> where is the download?

The current BETA TEST executable is here .....

Please note that this is NOT a full release, it's a BETA TEST executable ONLY.

To save me typing it all out again, please read the upgrade instructions I
posted in my previous message to August Abolins, thanks.

--- WinPoint 375.0
 * Origin: WinPoint Test Rig - UK - (2:310/31.7)

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