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Subject: WinPoint development Date: Fri Dec 03 2021 12:01 pm
From: Martin Foster To: All

Hello All!

For the benefit of those who don't already know, WinPoint is now back in
development. Here's a list of changes so far .....

Most notable changes since 359.1

369.0 (29.10.2021)
NEW Simplified product naming/versioning scheme (no more WinPoint <expiry date
NEW Updated to Delphi 2007 (includes updates to various 3rd-party components)
NEW New (temporary I think) default theme
NEW Vastly Improved Charset Handling (Reader,Editor,Search in Msgs, Search in
    Msg,Display Filters)
  - Switched to full unicode mail text handling internally (avoids translation
    errors from the past)
  - Header information is now properly decoded using the message Charset (for
    supported charsets)
  - Fixes all known issues with ASCII/CP866/LATIN encodings (includung Hi-ASCII
  - Added UTF-8 support
  - Improved CP866 Auto-detection (I hope)
  - Print function still only works correctly for ASCII
NEW Improved reflow logics when quoting messages
NEW Improved display of control lines (individual color)
NEW Encoding of a stored message is now persistently overridden in the reader
CHG Messagebase now uses actual send date (i.e., incorporates TZUTC in time
CHG Default message list sorting is now orig date desc
FIX TZUTC did not include a sign in the value
FIX Mailer no longer uses invalid 5D address if no domain is given
FIX Editor: Delete Line was deleting one line below
FIX Message reader now again stores sort settings
FIX Various other bug fixes

371.1 (08.11.2021)
FIX Fixes a major bug in configuration storage in version 369 and includes
    various improvements to the threads tree
373.0 (10.11.2021)
NEW Some minor UI changes
NEW Subject/Sender etc. can now be selected and copied to clipboard
CHG Manually changed mail display encoding is now automatically stored (per
CHG Navigating to another mail resets display encoding to automatic
FIX Contacts/Outbound height is now saved
FIX Autosend was reading garbage from text file
FIX Variables list in settings was gone

375.0 (15.11.2021)
NEW Search results now include message date
NEW Text encoding can be reset for selected messages
NEW Separate action for using the current msg as arealist (menus make more
    sense now)
CHG WP now internally enforces uppercase area names (its in the standard!)
CHG Moved text encoding fucntions to msglist context menu
CHG Reworked main menu/popup structure in message reader window
CHG Changed layout in area settings
CHG Improved adress selection in editor (regression)
FIX Fixed various issues in the area list parser (including the calibration
FIX Adressbook lookup in editor was broken (still not properly sorted)
FIX Reader for a particular input
FIX Variables for text groups in settings dialog can be clicked again



--- WinPoint 375.0
 * Origin: WinPoint Test Rig - UK - (2:310/31.7)

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