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Subject: hello and signature OpenXP Date: Mon Nov 01 2021 09:20 am
From: Martin Foster To: Alan Beck

Hello Alan!

*** Sunday 31.10.21 at 15:35, Alan Beck wrote to All:

 AB> How do I get rid of the Hello and signature in my replies?

To get rid of the "Hello":
Goto Edit -> Templates -> Quote (Pub)
Either delete the entire contents of the template and then save it or edit   the
contents to suit your taste and then save the template.

To get rid of the "signature":
Goto Edit -> Templates - Signature (Pub)
Either delete the entire contents of the template and then save it or edit   the
contents to suit your taste and then save the template.


--- OpenXP 5.0.50
 * Origin: Bitz-Box - Bradford - UK (2:310/31.3)

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In Reply To: hello and signature OpenXP (Alan Beck)