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Subject: jumping from one message to another Date: Mon Nov 01 2021 08:44 am
From: Martin Foster To: Alan Beck

Hello Alan!

*** Sunday 31.10.21 at 10:13, Alan Beck wrote to All:

 AB> Why is there not a method of jumping from 1 message to the next using 1 key
 AB> while reading

As you should already know by now, it's a simple matter of pressing
Ctrl+PgDown whilst in the message reader. Do you have a problem with that?

 AB> There has there has to be one, makes no sense

However, I've redefined the Right-Arrow key to jump to the next message in   the
message reader by setting up a key macro:  Config -> Keys -> Macros

WARNING: if you decide to play about with this feature, it's *VERY* easy  
to make a *BIG* *MESS*!


--- OpenXP 5.0.50
 * Origin: Bitz-Box - Bradford - UK (2:310/31.3)

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