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Subject: jumping from one message to another Date: Sun Oct 31 2021 09:44 am
From: August Abolins To: Alan Beck

Hello Alan Beck!

** On Sunday 31.10.21 - 10:13, Alan Beck wrote to All:

 AB> Hello!

 AB> Why is there not a method of jumping from 1 message to the next using 1 key
 AB> while reading

 AB> There has there has to be one, makes no sense

When you are reading a message, press F1 for further info:

║  When reference links available                        ║
║  (Maus, Fido):                                         ║
║                                                        ║
║  +       Go to the next message in the                 ║
║          reference link (if any)                       ║
║                                                        ║
║  -       Go to the original message in the reference   ║
║          link (as long as it's still in the            ║
║          messagebase).                                 ║
║                                                        ║
║  Ctrl-Page-Up                                          ║
║          Jumps to the chronologically preceding        ║
║          message in the same Newsgroup.                ║
║                                                        ║
║  Ctrl-Page-Down                                        ║
║          Jumps to the chronologically following        ║
║          message in the same Newsgroup.                ║
║                                                        ║
║  Cursor-Left and Cursor-Right Toggles between          ║
║          messages in the same reference link.          ║

Ctrl-PgUP, and Ctl-PgDN isn't too bad at all, is it?


--- OpenXP 5.0.50
 * Origin: The ONLY point that matters! --> . <-- (2:221/1.58)

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In Reply To: jumping from one message to another (Alan Beck)