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Subject: Re: shorthand mnemonics like IDK Date: Tue Apr 06 2021 03:06 pm
From: Alan Ianson To: Jay Harris

  Re: Re: shorthand mnemonics like IDK
  By: Jay Harris to Alan Ianson on Tue Apr 06 2021 04:59 pm

 AI>> ... I have a dream... C:\ 999,999,999,999 Megs free!

 JH> That works out to...

 JH> 999999TB (Terabytes)

 JH> -Or-

 JH> 999PB (Petabytes)

 JH> -Or-

 JH> 0.999EB (Exabytes)

 JH> So we still have to keep dreaming! LOL

Yep, that was my dream in the 90's and today.. it's still a dream!

 Ttyl :-),

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