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Subject: Re: shorthand mnemonics like IDK Date: Tue Apr 06 2021 12:16 pm
From: Jay Harris To: Alan Ianson

*** Quoting Alan Ianson from a message to mark lewis ***

 AA>> I wrote a reply to this in CHAT.

 ML> no clue what fido echo that is...

 AI> That's a long time fido echo although I don't know who the moderator
 AI> is or if there is one and the area is not on the backbone.

 AI> You can connect here if you like.. :)

I'm connected to this echo via Nick but the last message I see in there is 
Nov 2020.


... What did the sushi say to the bee? Wasabee!

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In Reply To: shorthand mnemonics like IDK (Alan Ianson)
Replies: Re: shorthand mnemonics like IDK (Alan Ianson)shorthand mnemonics like IDK (August Abolins)