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Subject: Re: Z1C Election Date: Tue May 29 2018 12:42 am
From: Alan Ianson To: Ian McLaughlin

  Re: Re: Z1C Election
  By: Ian McLaughlin to Alan Ianson on Mon May 28 2018 07:43 pm

 AI>> Probably not in here no but FIDOPOLS would be OK. I'm just waiting
 AI>> for Phil to let us know he is ready and I will send my vote in.

 IM> I already sent my vote in, as per the published calendar. I hope it gets
 IM> counted.

If I'm not mistaken you'll get a note back stating your vote has been counted in
a day or two. I think you'll also see a tally in here with passwords..

 Ttyl :-),

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