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Subject: winpoint test Date: Sun Feb 07 2021 09:36 am
From: Dale Barnes To: August Abolins

 >>TK> Shouldn't that be -0500 ?

 >>AA>> --- WinPoint Beta 5 (359.1)

 >> Yes, it's a known bug in WinPoint but thanks for jogging my memory ;)

 > Hopefully the Dale Barnes fellow (re-writing Winpoint)
 > would see this too.

I have added it to the list but to be clear, I am not Re-Writing WinPoint, just 
helping it get updated and new versions released.

Currently working on the language, the compiler version has been moved to a
much newer version.  Tim has updated a few of the components in it. Updated
Manual and help files.  Will release the next version as soon as I have the
above completed for the next beta.

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