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Subject: PGP Date: Tue Feb 02 2021 08:38 am
From: August Abolins To: Alan Beck

Hello Alan!

** On Tuesday 02.02.21 - 08:53, Alan Beck wrote to All:

 AB> So how do it use PGP,  would love to do a test.

 AB> Is it compatible with WinPoint?

I don't think WinPoint allows running macros. But Apoint does.

 AB> Does it matter? I doubt I am to say bad things about my Boss Node.

It's probably better use email or something akin to Telegram for
direct/private conversation primary because those delivery  
mechanisms are more reliable.


--- OpenXP 5.0.48
 * Origin: :) :D :O :( :[ ;) 8) B) :> |I :P =) :S :B :] :\ (2:221/1.58)

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In Reply To: PGP (Alan Beck)
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