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Subject: sending a message to someone Date: Mon Feb 01 2021 10:34 pm
From: August Abolins To: Jay Harris

Hello Jay!

** On Sunday 31.01.21 - 21:37, Jay Harris wrote to Alan Beck:

 JH> And you can always use pgp in netmail if you wanted to make
 JH> sure nobody can snoop on your message along the way.

I've experimented with pgp-encrypted mail in FTN, but email  
seems to be a more reliable way to make a delivery.

I'm not sure about all the steps you need to take in Mystic, but  
producing an encrpyted/signed message is so much easier in  
Thunderbird + the Enigma plugin.


--- OpenXP 5.0.48
 * Origin: :) :D :O :( :[ ;) 8) B) :> |I :P =) :S :B :] :\ (2:221/1.58)

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