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Subject: sending a message to someone Date: Mon Feb 01 2021 10:26 pm
From: August Abolins To: Jay Harris

Hello Jay!

** On Monday 01.02.21 - 12:07, Jay Harris wrote to August Abolins:

 JH> ENC   This node accepts inbound encrypted mail and will route it
 JH>       like other mail

Right, so you'd probably have good results if the routed mails  
when to other ENC systems.

 JH> I'm having trouble understanding what there would be to
 JH> support.  For PGP you're just pasting a blob of ascii text
 JH> into a netmail.

I agree.. it's technically just a harmless blob that is  
meaningless to the systems in between.

 JH> Was the ENC flag intended for some other purpose?

I see that a few other people stepped in with some history about  


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In Reply To: Re: sending a message to someone (Jay Harris)