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Subject: Re: sending a message to someone Date: Mon Feb 01 2021 08:45 pm
From: Wilfred van Velzen To: Jay Harris

Hi Jay,

On 2021-02-01 12:07:09, you wrote to August Abolins:

 AA>> No guarantee that it would get delivered. Not many systems fly
 AA>> the ENC flag.

 JH> ENC   This node accepts inbound encrypted mail and will route it
 JH>       like other mail

 JH> I'm having trouble understanding what there would be to support.  For PGP
 JH> you're just pasting a blob of ascii text into a netmail.  I don't think it
 JH> would be treated any differently than a normal netmail, unless it's maybe 
 JH> size limitation.  In that case, Mystic anyway, will split the message up
 JH> into multiple parts, 1/3, 2/3 & 3/3.

 JH> Was the ENC flag intended for some other purpose?

The ENC flag isn't really a technical flag. It's more a statement the node will 
forward encrypted mail.

In the distant past when this first became an issue, people were afraid they
would be held responsible for the content of the netmail they forwarded. If it
was encrypted it could be anything, without them being able to checkup on it.
So they actively filtered out/bounced any routed netmails their system would
detect containing encrypted content.

Bye, Wilfred.

--- FMail-lnx64
 * Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464)

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