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Subject: Re: SciNet Point Date: Mon Jan 11 2021 10:38 am
From: August Abolins To: Jay Harris

 > On 10 Jan 2021, Tommi Koivula said the following...
 >  TK> I just sent you netmail crash from OpenXP.

 > That one came through & I see it in my netmail base.  Also replied as a test.

 > + Jan 10 11:07:41  Process: Importing EchoMail
 > + Jan 10 11:07:41    Waiting for BUSY nodes
 > + Jan 10 11:07:41    Importing 10180736.PKT (2:221/1.2 to 1:229/664)
 > + Jan 10 11:07:41    Netmail from Tommi Koivula (2:221/1.2) to Jay Harris
 > (1:229/664)
 > + Jan 10 11:07:41  Results: 0 echo, 1 net, 0 dupes, 0 tossed in 0.09s

Interesting.  So, why was it failing when I did the same thing before that?
Did you tweak something in the meantime?

Maybe we can get Martin Foster to send a test a crash netmail too.

Or.. I could assign myself a temp address like 1:999/9999 (or one of the
temporary ones in the nodelist) and send you a packet to investigate?
--- SBBSecho 3.12-Linux
 * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757.2)

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In Reply To: Re: SciNet Point (Jay Harris)
Replies: Re: SciNet Point (Jay Harris)SciNet Point (Martin Foster)