Section One BBS

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Subject: RA_SUPPORT Echo Rules Date: Wed Feb 01 2017 12:00 am
From: Moderator To: All

|Conference rules for the RA_SUPPORT echo:                rev. 29 May 14
|Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.

 1. This conference is available to any SYSOP who uses or is genuinely
    interested in using RemoteAccess, the bbs software developed and
    written by Bruce Morse, RemoteAccess Central (formerly written by
    andrew milner, wantree development).

 2. This conference may be gated to any other amateur mail networks,
    provided that:

       a) We are notified of the name of the network and gating system,

       b) All messages posted here contain a valid origin line and
          sufficient information to allow a reply via NetMail through
          "normal" channels.

 3. Any topic that relates DIRECTLY to RemoteAccess may be discussed
    unless it has been specifically declared "off topic" by us. FLAMES
    ARE ABSOLUTELY NOT PERMITTED, nor are "QuickBBS vs RemoteAccess" type

 4. Third party developers are welcome to post OCCASIONAL messages about
    their utilities provided that the utility specifically supports
    RemoteAccess, and its interface to same. (The INTERFACE to RA is
    topical: the actual configuring of the utility is not)

 5. For all intents and purposes, the rules for technical content of
    EchoMail as defined below are adopted for use in this echo.

       a) Tearlines are not to exceed 35 characters.

       b) Tearlines should only contain "packer" OR editor program

       c) Tearlines should not contain any text if there is a PID
          control line in the message.

       d) Origin Lines should not exceed 79 characters including the
          required ending of a proper network address.

       e) The use of characters above ASCII 127 and non-printable,
          low-order control codes are not allowed except when used
          in screen shots posted to aid someone in their setup.

 6. Multi-line signatures, multi-line "tag lines",  and multiple origin
    lines are disallowed.  They tend to only increase the cost of moving
    this and other echos around the world, and it is our view that they
    would be much more appropriate in local echos.

       a) The only time that multiple Origin Lines are acceptable is
          when they are on messages that are gated from one Fido style
          network to another Fido style network.

 7. We reserve the right to be steel-fisted bastards and deny specific
    individuals posting access to this conference if the individual
    repeatedly ignores requests to terminate a message thread or
    continues to violate one or more of the echo rules.

 8. Do as you would be done by, and don't take yourself too seriously.
    Remember, we're doing this for FUN!

 Mark Lewis, 1:3634/12
 Andrew Milner (original author and Honorary Moderator)

 Conference Moderators

* Origin: (1:3634/12)

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