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Subject: Z1C Election Date: Sun May 27 2018 05:11 pm
From: Carol Shenkenberger To: Dallas Hinton

  Re: Z1C Election
  By: Dallas Hinton to Nick Andre on Sun May 27 2018 01:23 am

 CS>>> Ok, lets turn it around.  Candidates, I gave a sample.  What might
 CS>>> you 
 RH> thin
 CS>>> deserves at least a look at?  Not saying you'd change it, but look
 CS>>> at it?

 NA>> A few sections I would suggest to be revised to reflect the current
 NA>> state  of the network or to clarify things further. Nothing
 NA>> earth-shattering.

 DH> I agree, Nick -- and perhaps we could look at providing an alternative to
 DH> an IC, such as adding to the word "IC", the phrase "or a majority of the
 DH> ZCC". This would seem logical since a majority of the ZCC can overule any
 DH> IC decision anyway. By passing this modification we could then move forward
 DH> without all the twaddle about "we can't do that because we don't have an IC
 DH> to say so". :-)

I like that too!  Operationally we've been working that way for a very long
time.  It would be nice if P4 reflected current reality without removing the
ability to have an IC should a need or desire arise in the future.

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