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Subject: Re: SciNet Point Date: Thu Jan 07 2021 10:10 pm
From: Jay Harris To: August Abolins

On 07 Jan 2021, Jay Harris said the following...
 JH>  AA>  JH> I've never been a hub or a boss node before, but I've got SciNet
 JH>  AA>  JH> willing to give it a shot if you are.

 JH>  AA> As long as I am not ruffling anyone's feathers wrt what is  
 JH>  AA> allowed in the network, I'm game.

 JH> I'll double-check with Frank just to make sure.  I just sent him a Netmail.

Frank says we can "Go Nuts"  ;)

Haven't got a Netmail from you yet though.


--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/01/05 (Raspberry Pi/32)
 * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)

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In Reply To: Re: SciNet Point (Jay Harris)
Replies: SciNet Point (August Abolins)