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Subject: OpenXP stats Date: Thu Dec 31 2020 12:36 am
From: August Abolins To: Martin Foster

Hello Martin!

What does the "HT" mean in this stats report?

OpenXP Newsgroup statistics of 31.12.20
from 01.01.80 to 31.12.20

 No   Newsgroup                   KBytes     Mess.     %      HT
   1  /FSXNET/FSX_GEN              3210      3714    17.1     90
   2  /dove-net/general            2658      2751    14.2     90
   3  /FIDO/EARTH                  1486       314     7.9     14
   4  /FIDO/POINTS                 1415      1558     7.5
   5  /FIDO/ELIST                  1351      1491     7.2
   6  /FIDO/FUTURE4FIDO            1253      1559     6.7
   7  /grc/techtalk                 766       685     4.1     60
   8  /FIDO/FIDOGAZETTE             644       149     3.4     65
   9  /FIDO/MEMORIES                434       478     2.3     66
  10  /MICRONET2/MIN_GENAN          424       149     2.3     14
  11  /MICRO/MIN_GENAN              393       148     2.1     14
  12  /FSXNET/FSX_NET               388       459     2.1     90


--- OpenXP 5.0.48
 * Origin: ----------Do Not Fold, Spindle or Mutilate.---------- (2:221/1.58)

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