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Subject: OpenXP 5.0.48 released Date: Wed Dec 30 2020 11:58 pm
From: August Abolins To: Martin Foster

Hello Martin!

** On Monday 28.12.20 - 11:31, Martin Foster wrote to August Abolins:

 MF>>> OpenXP 5.0.48 has been released...

 AA>> Woohoo!  I'm on it.

 MF> You like? :-))

What's NOT to like?  I am still totally impressed how your simple
recommendation (is it 2 years ago now?) steered me off my then
chiselled-in-stone decision to stick with a Windows-based Apoint  
or Winpoint.  OpenXP's text based system is truly ideal for  

 MF> After doing a normal search by pressing "s" and then
 MF> repeating the search any number of times for the next
 MF> occurence of whatever it is you're searching for, press
 MF> <Shift+Tab> and the previous occurence of the match will be
 MF> highlighted until there are no more matches.

Ah.. excellent.  For the most part, messages are pretty short so  
a search for anything hasn't been necessary.  But I can see it  
handy when reading a long multiple-screen newsletter.  Searching  
backwards in the same message for the same string is a fine  


--- OpenXP 5.0.48
 * Origin: ----------Do Not Fold, Spindle or Mutilate.---------- (2:221/1.58)

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