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Subject: what the REPLYTO kludge is good for Date: Tue Jan 05 2021 11:18 am
From: Martin Foster To: August Abolins

Hello August!

*** Sunday 03.01.21 at 09:19, August Abolins wrote to Martin Foster:

 O>>> I still don't understand what the REPLYTO kludge is good for
 O>>> in this case.

 MF>> It's used for netmail replies to echomail messages
 MF>> originating on the Telegram side of the gateway.

 AA> Perhaps we can reserve the term gateway to systems that are truly
 AA> insecure like usenet.  The Telegram solution that Stas has built
 AA> is limited to itself; the general public cannot access those
 AA> messages unless specifically participating as "known" users.
 AA> Unlike usenet, it is not possible to be a lurker as you can be in
 AA> fidonet or usenet.

 AA> Carol's analogy of the Telegram "system" as an OLR solution is
 AA> better.  No one thinks of OLR's as gateways. ;)

OK, perhaps it would have been better and more accurate if I'd said
"originating on Telegram Messenger" instead of saying "originating on the
Telegram side of the gateway".


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