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Subject: Z1C Election Date: Sun May 27 2018 01:23 am
From: Dallas Hinton To: Nick Andre

Hi Nick -- on May 26 2018 at 23:26, you wrote:

 CS>> Ok, lets turn it around.  Candidates, I gave a sample.  What might you
 CS>> deserves at least a look at?  Not saying you'd change it, but look at it?

NA> A few sections I would suggest to be revised to reflect the current
NA> state  of the network or to clarify things further. Nothing
NA> earth-shattering.

I agree, Nick -- and perhaps we could look at providing an alternative to an
IC, such as adding to the word "IC", the phrase "or a majority of the ZCC".
This would seem logical since a majority of the ZCC can overule any IC decision 
anyway. By passing this modification we could then move forward without all the 
twaddle about "we can't do that because we don't have an IC to say so". :-)

Cheers... Dallas

--- timEd/NT 1.30+
 * Origin: The BandMaster, Vancouver, CANADA (1:153/7715)

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