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Subject: msgs to All vs Sender, was: OpenXP 5.0.48 Date: Mon Dec 28 2020 04:31 pm
From: August Abolins To: Anna Christina Nass

Hello Anna!

** On Monday 28.12.20 - 20:47, Anna Christina Nass wrote to Martin Foster:

 ACN> Thank you very much for the new version, OpenXP-team!
 ACN> I've just installed it :)

 ACN> This is a nice christmas gift :)
 ACN> -+- OpenXP 5.0.48
 ACN>  + Origin: Imzadi Box Point (2:240/5824.1)

Hello Anna.  Yes.. OpenXP just keeps on giving.

BTW.. I notice that you are linked up with Dovenet (via nntp)  
too.  Have you noticed that when you post a R)eply in the middle  
of a conversion that the message then gets re-addressed to "All"  
instead? Yet, when you R)eply to a message that *is* addressed to  
your name then the outgoing message is address to the Sender  


--- OpenXP 5.0.48
 * Origin: ----------Do Not Fold, Spindle or Mutilate.---------- (2:221/1.58)

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In Reply To: Re: OpenXP 5.0.48 released (Anna Christina Nass)
Replies: Re: msgs to All vs Sender, was: OpenXP 5.0.48 (Anna Christina Nass)