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Subject: WinPoint English ini file Date: Tue Dec 15 2020 01:58 am
From: August Abolins To: Martin Foster

On 12/14/2020 6:03 AM, between "Martin Foster - August Abolins":

>  AA> Take a peek at the info Martin and I came up with about WinPoint in the
>  AA> "[WinPoint] CONS" section in the comparison table here:

>  AA>

> Yes, good idea but it should be noted that the list is not a complete
> list of things that need fixing.

We've highlighted a significant number of the most niggly things. For me, "ΓùÅ
does not support incoming areafix lists that are in lowercase [*3]" was a

> In addition, I feel that certain
> parts of the programme need a bit of re-designing.

Hopefully Dale will be able adjust things once we have a fully English version.

 * Origin: nntp:// (2:221/6.0)

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In Reply To: WinPoint English ini file (Martin Foster)
Replies: WinPoint English ini file (Dale Barnes)WinPoint English ini file (Martin Foster)