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Subject: Re: OXP: ^REPLYTO missing?, was: ^REPLYID missing? Date: Fri Nov 20 2020 05:09 pm
From: Wilfred van Velzen To: August Abolins

Hi August,

On 2020-11-18 21:37:40, you wrote to me:

 AA>> At closer inspection, we may both be wrong.  The samples show

 AA> From FSC-0035:

 AA> ^REPLYTO zone:net/node firstname lastname

 AA> which is used to signify the "userid" which mail destined to this other
 AA> network must be sent to and on which machine that userids resides.  
 AA> are sent to this zone:net/node and userid with the first line of the
 AA> message being changed into 'TO: ....' where .... is the FULL userid from
 AA> the ^AREPLYADDR line.

 AA> In anycase, OpenXP seems to be ignoring it.  :(

It's an FSC document, so not a standard...

Bye, Wilfred.

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In Reply To: OXP: ^REPLYTO missing?, was: ^REPLYID missing? (August Abolins)