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Subject: OXP: ^REPLYTO missing?, was: ^REPLYID missing? Date: Wed Nov 18 2020 09:37 pm
From: August Abolins To: Wilfred van Velzen

Hi Wilfred!

18 Nov 20 16:24, I wrote to you:

 AA>>> The ^REPLYID seems to go missing in OpenXP.
 WV>> You mean the @REPLY: kludge?

 AA> At closer inspection, we may both be wrong.  The samples show

From FSC-0035:

^REPLYTO zone:net/node firstname lastname

which is used to signify the "userid" which mail destined to this other network
must be sent to and on which machine that userids resides.  Replies are sent
to this zone:net/node and userid with the first line of the message being
changed into 'TO: ....' where .... is the FULL userid from the ^AREPLYADDR line.

In anycase, OpenXP seems to be ignoring it.  :(

 * Origin:  ----> Point Of VeleNo BBs (  (2:333/808.7)

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In Reply To: OXP: ^REPLYID missing? (August Abolins)
Replies: Re: OXP: ^REPLYTO missing?, was: ^REPLYID missing? (Wilfred van Velzen)