Section One BBS

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Subject: Re: AreaFix processing by Mystic BBS Date: Thu Dec 03 2020 01:10 pm
From: Kevin Miller To: Oli

Hey Oli...

** 03.12.20 - 15:49, Oli wrote to Kevin Miller:

> Kevin wrote (2020-12-03):

KM>> Just an FYI... I've been working with g00r00 on this bug which he's just
KM>> fixed. Will be available in Mystic a48.

> What triggered the bug? And why did OpenXP trigger it and other software
> doesn't?

Not entirely sure but g00r00 indicated that there were some changes made  
in a46 to packet handling, particularly to the areafix processor. His  
guess, before the bug was fixed, that is was probably a memory leak in the


> -+-
>  + Origin:  (2:280/464.47)

Salutations from Rochester, NY - (SysOp KnightMare)

--- OpenXP 5.0.46
 * Origin: Point KnightMare, Rochester, NY (1:267/585.1)

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