Section One BBS

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Subject: Re: AreaFix processing by Mystic BBS Date: Thu Dec 03 2020 08:39 am
From: Kevin Miller To: Paul Quinn

Hey Paul...

** 23.11.20 - 23:30, Paul Quinn wrote to Kevin Miller:

> Hi! Kevin,

> On 11/24/2020 05:00 AM, you wrote to All:

>> From Mystic logs, I see that the arefix message is reconginized and
>> appears to process but with obvious issues. The AreaFix Response looks
>> similar to the below logging

> [chopped]

>> Has anyone experieinced something similar?

> Yes, with my own Mystic A46.  I just thought it was a contamination from my
> current situation, with Mystic not being the primary receiving agent as it's
> aligned _behind_ a regular tosser.

Just an FYI... I've been working with g00r00 on this bug which he's just
fixed. Will be available in Mystic a48.


Salutations from Rochester, NY - (SysOp KnightMare)

--- OpenXP 5.0.46
 * Origin: Point KnightMare, Rochester, NY (1:267/585.1)

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In Reply To: AreaFix processing by Mystic BBS (Paul Quinn)
Replies: AreaFix processing by Mystic BBS (Oli)AreaFix processing by Mystic BBS (Paul Quinn)