Section One BBS

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Subject: AreaFix processing by Mystic BBS Date: Mon Nov 23 2020 02:00 pm
From: Kevin Miller To: All

Greetings all,

I'm currently configured as a point system to my Mystic BBS v1.12 A46  
using OpenXP 5.0.46. I've recently realized that Mystic has gone sideways   when
processing AreaFix messages received from OpenXP. I've tested using a   couple
recent versions of OpenXP with the samy results. My guess is that  
it might be an issue with Mystic but I just tried using WinPoint to send  
an AreaFix message and it gets processed correctly

From Mystic logs, I see that the arefix message is reconginized and  
appears to process but with obvious issues. The AreaFix Response looks   similar
to the below logging

 + Nov 23 12:09:29    Importing 23120917.PKT (1:267/585.1 to 1:267/585)
 + Nov 23 12:09:29    AREAFIX received from 1:267/585.1
 - Nov 23 12:09:29    AREAFIX command [
  MSGID:] [1:267/585.1@FIDONET EAB000B4]
 ! Nov 23 12:09:29  Unknown area        _°         ºß¥w¡F¿uü    y
 - Nov 23 12:09:29    AREAFIX command [
   PID:] [OPENXP/5.0.42 (WIN32)]
 ! Nov 23 12:09:29  Unknown area        _°         ºß¥w¡F¿uü    y
 - Nov 23 12:09:29    AREAFIX command [
    CHRS:] [ASCII 1]
 ! Nov 23 12:09:29  Unknown area        _°         ºß¥w¡F¿uü    y
 - Nov 23 12:09:29    AREAFIX command [
     TZUTC:] [-0500]
 ! Nov 23 12:09:29  Unknown area        _°         ºß¥w¡F¿uü    y
 - Nov 23 12:09:29    AREAFIX command [
     %LIST] []
 ! Nov 23 12:09:29  Unknown area        _°         ºß¥w¡F¿uü    y
 - Nov 23 12:09:29    AREAFIX command [
     ---] []
 ! Nov 23 12:09:29  Unknown area        _°         ºß¥w¡F¿uü    y
 - Nov 23 12:09:29    AREAFIX command [
     ] []
 ! Nov 23 12:09:29  Unknown area        _°         ºß¥w¡F¿uü    y
 ! Nov 23 12:09:29    Import from c:\bbs\mystic\echomail\in\unsecure\
 + Nov 23 12:09:29    Bundling Messages
 + Nov 23 12:09:29  Results: 0 echo, 0 net, 0 dupes, 1 tossed in 0.11s
 + Nov 23 12:09:29  Shutdown Normal (0)

Has anyone experieinced something similar?


Salutations from Rochester, NY - (SysOp KnightMare)

--- OpenXP 5.0.46
 * Origin: Point KnightMare, Rochester, NY (1:267/585.1)

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Replies: AreaFix processing by Mystic BBS (Paul Quinn)AreaFix processing by Mystic BBS (Martin Foster)