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Subject: Winpoint failure Date: Mon Nov 16 2020 09:20 am
From: Martin Foster To: ALAN BECK

Hello ALAN!

*** Sunday 15.11.20 at 05:18, Alan Beck wrote to ALL:

 AB> I have a problem with WinPoint.

 AB> On start up it crashes on startup with the following message.

 AB> "Exception EOSError in module Wpointll.exe at 00011C71
 AB> System Error Code: 1722.
 AB> The RPC server is unavailable."

 AB> Anyone have a solution?

Do a Google search for "RPC server is unavailable" and you'll find an   absolute
mountain of information about the problem, along with possible   solutions.


--- OpenXP 5.0.47
 * Origin: Bitz-Box - Bradford - UK (2:310/31.3)

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